Saturday, August 8, 2015


The MCIN Model of the Month and other recognition categories are created to establish a Role-Model potential of all models who participates in the Industry Night.
Recognitions should be accepted with humility and gratitude as it comes with honourable responsibility which pride will make difficult to accomplish. That responsibility revolves around contributing a quota in building a Modelling Industry through the MCIN platform.

Every recognized person is expected to become a TEAM PLAYER so as to maximize the features observed which should be a case-study in the process of influencing opportunities. Most importantly, expectations come with disappointment by the side if not received with zeal to deliver. Both can make or mar an image of a personality which is our duty to help manage.

More so, it is noticeable that most people neither know the value of their personality nor how to manage it. That is indeed why there are very few influential Beauty Queens who are truly involved after being crowned under any category through a platform. It’s not all about the prizes, but the true value of what is represented
Brand Ambassadors are selected with a close observation of a person’s PERSONALITY and PORTFOLIO. This is little or no reason why a celebrity whose face and name has become a brand is the most possible choice as the case may be. The reason is because celebrities are believed to have passed a reasonable level of stable head test. They are also believed to be passionate about what they do which enabled them to work hard in achieving a celebrated status; hence a Role-Model.

The MCIN platform has taken note of all of these and is putting the needed in place to boost personality and career development/ management, for all models who truly find happiness within passion. With that in mind starting from the anniversary, the platform is hoping to produce potential Role-Models to be proud of through the Model of the Month recognition as well as other categories.

Aside the Models of the Month receiving a reasonable BRANDING, CAREER DEVELOPMENT, PROFILE/ PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT which is designed to put them on the spotlight of opportunities,  they are also potential participants in the coming OBAA (Awards).

Like stated above, every opportunity comes with responsibilities. First and major responsibility of the MCIN Model of the month is to attract growth in size and quality of the monthly activities. The most performing Model of the Month will automatically become one of the award nominees at the OBAA, and stand a chance of being the winner in that category.

Finally, to build the kind of Industry Night that can make real industrial impact on participants is not expected to be easy as more input is needed from everyone involved. Therefore we are breaking the MCIN activities into segments with the inclusion of a WORKSHOP/ SEMINAR which will facilitate CAREER TALKS by Industry personalities as well professionals in different fields.

It will therefore become an all noon: AUDITIONS.  All evening: WORKSHOP/ SEMINAR AND CAREER TALK.  PLUS all night which includes the social segment, the AFTER-PARTY.
Kindly take NOTE & SHARE!
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