During the first all career models and aspirants general meeting held on the 28th of January 2017 in Surulere, several progressive agendas were deliberated on for the new year. The interactive was soul searching as several areas of individual and mutual concern were touched.
1. Connecting models has been one of the biggest and toughest project so far. Yes connecting
2. To actualize and stabilize models connectivity in 2017, it was agreed that both regular and periodic activities be established to keep models busy, constantly giving them a sense of belonging. This will create PR contents to boost mileage which shall in return add value to their personality while exposing them to opportunities.

It will also re-kindle their passion and love for what they do, therefore seeing modeling as a means of self expression. Regular activities such as trainings, seminars, workshops, workout, etc will definitely empower the mind and the body towards greater challenges in order to take a lead in creating opportunities.
Periodic models organized events such as the Industry Night and the introduced end of the year Retreat are platforms of connecting with audiences. Serious minded models must be involved in the planning and making them a success.
We wish to keep a track of Beauty Queens that exists and see how we can help them actualize the potential of their crown in the best possible ways. But we can not succeed if a beauty queen lack ideas and the drive to actualize them. Worst is when a beauty queen lack the humility to learn, and the diplomacy to be positively logical in decision making. We have taken into consideration several unpleasant circumstances where pageant organizers fails promises. But then being crowned is being empowered to take a lead. Beauty queens must not use the organizers failure in fulfilling certain promises as an excuse to fail. So we are all out as a potential democratic organization of models to assist them with pet project ideas, development, branding, marketing, and any other possible means of assistance.
Skill persons in our midst like makeup artists, stylists, designers, artists, etc, also deserves our assistance to properly evaluate their worth through branding and social mileage. We must help increase their visibility, fan base, and consequently patronage. They shall be officially recognized and mentioned in all our events.
The least, models must be objective and focused to self/ career development. The days of auditions are almost over. The evolution is about self discovery and worth. You will be approached and demanded for based on these. Wishing you all the best in 2017.
2017 sessions resume on Saturday, 4th of February, 7am; Workout with the MCN Fitness Club at the National Stadium, Surulere. Skill & development training; 10 am, same venue.
Info @models_connect_nigeria ....
08060444632 - 08126641885 .
Info on special activities and events like the FOG photogenic contest and Industry Night will be released as the time approaches.
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