Sunday, April 19, 2015

Up n Over Profile shoot begins

How skillful are you as a Makeup/ Makeover artist? How expressive are you with body language as a MODEL? If very very is the answer, then you need to be acknowledged with an opportunity to explore. Its the first of it kind; Beauty-TV Magazine/ Live show. It is the THERAPY. Its Up & Over with Treeze​ , the host of Models Connect Industry Night of Glamour, ‪#‎Hypeman‬, ‪#‎ImageMaker‬ ‪#‎Blogger‬, ‪#‎MediaPR‬, ‪#‎VoiceActor‬, ‪#‎Entertainer‬..... UNVEILING DATE coming soon!

For participation as a Makeup, Make over artist or as a Model, contact Media PR via
BBM pin: 21002A97
WhatsApp: 08060444632
Tel. 08187267385.....


Info: models_connect1

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